KCA025 RPI Compatible ECG Trunk Cable

Part Number TA-230290

Primary OEM M1580A

This ECG trunk cable is available for use with Philips: 43011A, 77000AC, 77020A, 77020AC, 77020AR, 77025A, 77030A, 77035A, 77040A, 78208A, 78210A, 782xxA Series, 78330A, 78331A, 78332A, 78333A, 78341A, 78342A, 78345A, 78346A, 78351T, 78352A, 78353A, 78353B, 78354A, 783xxA Series, 78532A, 78532B, 78534A, 78534B, 78534C, 785xxA, 785xxB, 785xxC, 786xxA, 786xxB, Agilent Sonos 5500, Codemaster XL, M1722A, M1722B, M1723A, M1723B, M2400A, M2406A, M2475B, M3500B.



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