How to Increase Blood Oxygen (Spo2) Levels

SpO2 levels on monitor


Oxygen plays a critical role in the human body; it helps with circulation, supports a healthy immune system, and, most importantly, provides the body with energy.

Some people may need to measure the oxygen in their blood, known as oxygen saturation or blood oxygen levels, and can do so using pulse oximetry. They use a pulse oximeter, a noninvasive device that painlessly determines the ratio of blood cells carrying oxygen to empty cells

Along with monitoring oxygen saturation, some people may need to raise their blood oxygen levels for their bodies to function properly.

This guide will discuss how to increase blood oxygen level readings through safe methods and practices. These techniques will help you maintain normal blood oxygen saturation levels for your overall health.


How Can You Raise Blood Oxygen (SpO2) Levels?

There are many ways you can raise your body’s blood oxygen level for different medical reasons.

How much oxygen does the body need? A typical blood oxygen level for healthy individuals should have an oxygen saturation (SpO2) reading as close to 100% as possible. Generally speaking, a normal range is considered at or above 93%.

People with respiratory or breathing problems or other medical conditions may present a lower oxygen saturation level, anywhere from 88% to 90%.

We will go into greater detail about ways to naturally increase blood oxygen level. This includes practicing breathing techniques, taking in fresh air, and committing to mindful posture to name a few.


Can Blood Oxygen Levels Be Increased with Medication?

If someone has dangerously low blood oxygen levels, their doctor will most likely recommend they go to the hospital to avoid any risks to their health. This will allow them to gain access to treatment such as oxygen therapy.

Low blood oxygen levels are usually treated with supplemental oxygen therapy, which provides patients with higher amounts of oxygen than in a normal environment. Supplemental oxygen can help raise a patient’s overall blood oxygen level, whether they are in good health or have other medical complications.

Patients receive more oxygen in a controlled environment. This is typically delivered through a face mask or a nasal cannula, a pronged plastic hose that goes inside the nostrils.

Oxygen therapy is a short-term treatment option that can help avoid other medical problems in the long run. Your doctor will likely recommend other steps to increase blood oxygen levels and maintain them in a healthy range.


How to Increase Blood Oxygen Level Naturally

woman performing deep breathing exercises

Low blood oxygen levels, or hypoxemia, can be a severe condition and may damage individual organs, including the brain and the heart.

The good news is that raising your blood oxygen level naturally can be done through a few techniques and lifestyle changes

1. Perform Breathing Exercises

Simple but intentional breathing exercises will effectively open the airways and increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream, resulting in a higher blood oxygen level.

These breathing exercises include pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic or belly breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, and nose breathing.

Breathing and Blood Oxygen Levels: When we breathe, the blood in our bodies delivers oxygen to all our cells. Red blood cells bind with oxygen as you take a deep breath and carry it into your bloodstream and throughout the body.

2. Maintain Good Posture

Slouching or poor posture can put more pressure on your lungs, making breathing more difficult. This leads to restricted chest expansion and reduced alveolar ventilation which puts a load on lung function

Try to practice sitting and standing tall with your shoulders back and your core engaged. This allows your body to practice breathing exercises without the restrictions of impaired respiratory capacity from poor posture.

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking increases the risk of developing lung diseases by damaging airways and small air sacs (alveoli). This is why quitting smoking can drastically improve the functionality of your lungs in a short time.

The stronger your lungs are, the more oxygen will pass through your bloodstream, raising your oxygen saturation levels.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

When properly hydrated, the lungs will move oxygen through your bloodstream more efficiently.

Make a conscious effort to increase your water intake and see how it improves your breathing and blood oxygen levels.

5. Exercise Regularly 

If you have low oxygen levels, exercising can stimulate your respiratory system and increase the hemoglobin level in blood. This leads to greater oxygen-carrying capacity, allowing your body to take in more oxygen even outside physically strenuous conditions.

The amount of exercise you get will help improve your breathing, strength, and endurance, helping you achieve a normal blood oxygen level faster. 

6. Practice Your Green Thumb

If you need to increase your blood oxygen level at home, the best way to do so is by altering your environment. You can do this by buying a few houseplants for your home.

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, improving the air quality you breathe indoors. Plants also help to mimic an outdoor setting, so the air in your home will be fresher. 

7. Breathe Fresh Air 

Besides investing in house plants, opening up the windows in your home, and letting fresh air in is an effective way to increase your fresh air intake.

If you’re able, going for a walk will also increase the oxygen your lungs bring in to raise your body’s overall blood oxygen saturation. Taking the time to be around nature can also lead to mental health benefits like improved mood and concentration.

8. Eat Iron-Rich Foods

Adding iron-rich foods to your diet can improve your blood oxygen levels. This includes food such as:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Legumes
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Raisins
  • Peas
  • Pomegranates

These ingredients can help boost your energy levels, increasing your blood oxygen level.

Eating food rich in vitamins, minerals, and an alkaline pH will also help keep the blood flowing and maintain healthy oxygen levels. Vitamins A and B complex are particularly helpful, along with copper and nitric oxide.


How Do You Know If You Have Low Blood Oxygen Levels?

People experiencing low blood oxygen levels (hypoxia) may have the following symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  • Rapid breathing (tachypnea)
  • Rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety

Since these symptoms may vary from person to person, a pulse oximeter is the best device to guide you toward an accurate diagnosis. Pulse oximeters attach to a part of the body, like a finger or toe, to measure blood oxygen saturation levels.

The oximeter typically provides results within a 2% difference from the actual reading. A few factors that impact its accuracy include nail polish, direct sun exposure, too much movement, or clammy hands.

Measuring Blood Oxygen Levels: If your doctor recommends a pulse oximeter to monitor your blood oxygen level, staying on top of it is essential. If you need replacement accessories for your pulse oximeter, our selection of pulse oximeter sensors and cables can help you stay medically informed.

When Should You Increase Blood Oxygen Levels?

patient meeting with primary healthcare provider

Most medical organizations agree that if your oxygen level goes below 92%, you should call your doctor, especially if it stays low for a long time. An oxygen level below 88% is extremely dangerous, and you should immediately go to the nearest hospital.

For proper tracking, make sure you’re getting enough oxygen by testing often with a pulse oximeter. Keep a log or journal of your oxygen saturation levels and your activities that day that kept the reading in a normal range.

Maintaining oxygen levels in a normal range is critical to keep your blood properly saturated so your tissues and cells can function properly. If you have questions or concerns, call your primary healthcare provider for advice pertaining to your personal health condition rather than seeking a general diagnosis online.


Why Do People Have Low Blood Oxygen Levels?

Someone with a low blood oxygen level (hypoxemia) or breathing problems usually has a pre-existing medical condition. For these patients, supplemental oxygen therapy may be a long-term solution.

These conditions include the following:

  • COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Cystic fibrosis 
  • Sleep apnea
  • Pneumonia 
  • Emphysema
  • Congenital heart disease

Patients experiencing hypoxemia symptoms may be placed on medications to address their conditions. These drugs and other medical procedures can help improve their oxygen saturation levels, among other side effects of the chronic illness. 


The Dangers of a Low Oxygen Level (Hypoxemia)

Hypoxemia is usually treated via oxygen therapy or a ventilator if it is severe enough. The most common causes of hypoxemia are pre-existing or underlying medical conditions that may or may not have been diagnosed in a patient yet.

Medications and inhalers often help patients with conditions like COPD. Those who need oxygen support long-term can receive it at the hospital or by using a portable machine

If left untreated, hypoxemia can be fatal. The longer your blood has low oxygen levels, the more dangerous the outcome. A lack of consistent oxygen can directly impact the brain and heart.

Managing underlying conditions that may result in a low blood oxygen level is critical to your health to avoid a dangerous situation. Be clear with your doctor about precautions you should take when traveling or taking medication, and be aware of the side effects of doing so.


Use the Right Monitoring Devices and Accessories

pulse oximetry device measuring blood oxygen level

Determine what activities, breathing techniques, and actions help keep your oxygen levels high, and make those a part of your daily routine. For example, staying active through physical exercise makes your lungs, heart, and muscles stronger.

Maintaining a healthy blood oxygen level isn’t just important for your lungs; it’s also vital to regulate the functions of your brain, kidney, and brain. This is why healthcare facilities make it a point to measure a patient’s lung capacity and assess their medical needs.

Constant monitoring of pulse oximeter readings may be necessary to address low oxygen saturation and encourage patients to seek medical attention as needed. This is why many medical facilities.

At Cables and Sensors, we provide quality accessories for your medical facilities to run efficiently and safely. Browse our product offerings for EKG accessories, ECG cables, SpO2 sensors and more to provide the quality healthcare your patients deserve.