Manwal għall-Utent ta' Sonda tat-Temperatura li tista' terġa' tintuża
Użu Intenzjonat u Indikazzjonijiet għall-Użu
Sondi tat-temperatura Cables & Sensors huma maħsuba biex jintużaw għall-monitoraġġ tat-temperatura. Is-sondi tat-temperatura jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw u ddisinjati għall-użu ma 'Philips, Nihon Kohden u monitors oħra kompatibbli ma' sondi tat-temperatura tas-serje YSI 400.
Dawn l-apparati huma indikati għall-użu minn persunal mediku kwalifikat biss.
Il-mudelli tas-sondi huma disponibbli għall-marki ewlenin li ġejjin:
Marka kompatibbli |
Mudelli |
Sit tal-applikazzjoni |
Mudelli |
Sit tal-applikazzjoni |
TS-Y400-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-Y400-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
TS-Y700-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-Y700-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Philips |
TS-PH-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-PH-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
GE Healthcare |
TS-MQ-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-MQ-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Drager/Siemens |
TS-DG-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-DG-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Spacelabs |
TS-SL-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-SL-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Mindray |
Adult Straight |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Tarki tal-Ajru |
TS-AS-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-AS-AS30 |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Bijodawl |
Adult Straight |
Ġilda tal-adulti |
Artema/S&W |
TS-SW-AG30 |
Adult Straight |
TS-SW-AS30 |
Adult Skin |
TS-Y400-PG30 TS-Y700-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-Y400-PS30 TS-Y700-PS30 |
Child Skin |
Philips |
TS-PH-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-PH-PS30 |
Child Skin |
GE Healthcare |
TS-MQ-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-MQ-PS30 |
Child Skin |
Drager/Siemens |
TS-DG-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-DG-PS30 |
Child Skin |
Spacelabs |
TS-SL-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-SL-PS30 |
Child Skin |
Mindray |
Child Rectum |
Child Skin |
Air Shields |
TS-AS-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-AS-PS30 |
Child Skin |
Biolight |
Child Rectum |
Child Skin |
Artema/S&W |
TS-SW-PG30 |
Child Rectum |
TS-SW-PS30 |
Child Skin |
Operation Procedures:
- Verify the compatibility of the probe. See the compatible label to ensure the device is compatible with the probe.
- Make sure the probe plug matches the connector on the device. Then fully plug the probe into the device.
- Place the probe tip on the site where temperature is being measured. Fix the probe tip with medical tape on the site if applicable.
After the response time, the probe will start measuring.
Performance and Reliability:
The probes used with a compatible monitor have been validated and tested for compliance with ISO 80601-2-56.
Accuracy and stability: Probes are accurate and interchangeable with other probes with the same compatible connectors due to their similar temperature and resistor characteristics. The system accuracy is the sum of the probe and instrument accuracies.
Measurement range (25-45℃) ------Accuracy ±0.1℃
Response time (2 °C higher or lower than reference temperature source) -------- ≤150S
Minimum measuring time: 5mins
Degree of protection against electric shock: Type BF applied part
Degree of protection against the ingress of water: IPX2
Expected service life: 2 years. Visually inspect the probe for cracks, holes, crazing etc. prior to each use. If any such degradation in the cable jacket is discovered, discard probe according to your hospital’s procedure for medical waste.
- Wipe the probe, wire and plug assembly with a soft cloth dampened with the 70% isopropanol.
- When wiping clean, hold the probe in one hand at the sensing tip and wipe the probe and lead wire toward the plug. Excessive pressure could stretch the cable jacket and break the internal wires, destroying the probe. Continued flexing of lead wires and cleaning can also break the internal wires.
- Scrub the surfaces thoroughly one time, if visible contaminants remain, repeat scrub until no visible contaminants remain.
- Wipe off the cleaning solution with a dry cloth after cleaning.
Disinfection (Skin probe, low-level):
- Wipe the probe, wire and plug assembly with a soft cloth dampened with 70% isopropanol.
- When wiping clean, hold the probe in one hand at the sensing tip and wipe the probe and lead wire toward the plug. Excessive pressure could stretch the cable jacket and break the internal wires, destroying the probe. Continued flexing of lead wires and cleaning can also break the internal wires.
- Scrub the surfaces thoroughly one time, if visible contaminants remain, repeat scrub until no visible contaminants remain.
- Rinse the probe thoroughly with sterile water for one minute.
- Wipe off the disinfection solution with a dry cloth after disinfection.
Disinfection (Rectum probe, high-level):
- Use a cidex activated glutaraldehyde solution (disinfection parameters are defined in the disinfectant’s instructions for use) according to the hospital standard.
- Rinse the probe thoroughly for 1-2 minutes with sterile water.
- Visually check the cleanliness of the equipment. If there are visible pollutants, repeat the above suggested wiping and rinsing procedure.
- Wipe off the residual solution with a sterile gauze after disinfection.
Storage and Handling:
When not in use, probes should be loosely coiled and stored in room temperature. Don’t wrap probes around equipment to avoid damaging internal wires.
Operating conditions
- Ambient temperature: 0 to +40°C
- Relative humidity: 15 to 85%
- Atmospheric pressure: 86kpa ~106kpa
Probes are individually packaged.
Probes must be stored in its original packaging and within the storage conditions to maximize their storage life.
Storage conditions are as follows:
- Ambient temperature: -10 to +40°C
- Relative humidity: 15 to 85%
- Atmospheric pressure: 86kpa ~106kpa
Cables & Sensors offers a one-year warranty against defects in material or workmanship from the date of purchase. Cables & Sensors does not cover the damage or breakage due to the abusive use or negligent care of the probes.
Cables & Sensors guarantees that the equipment conforms to the specifications of the safety and performance standards currently in force and applicable to it.
- The probes are designed for use with specific monitors.
- The operator is responsible for checking the compatibility of the monitor, the sensor and cable before its use.
- Incompatible components can result in degraded accuracy and performance.
- Consult the operation instructions for the equipment and the related accessories before operating equipment to ensure their compatibility.
- Tagħmir ta 'komunikazzjoni RF portabbli u mobbli jista' jaffettwa t-tagħmir.
- Tgħaddasx it-truf tal-konnettur f'soluzzjoni(jiet) tat-tindif.
- Isservix jew iżżomm is-sonda waqt li tkun użata fuq pazjent.
- L-ebda modifika ta' dan is-sensor mhi permessa.
- Jekk possibbli, neħħi s-sonda mill-kuntatt mal-pazjent qabel ma tattiva unità kirurġika jew sors RF ieħor.
- Jekk is-sondi għandhom jintużaw flimkien ma' tagħmir elettrokirurġiku, l-istrumenti li magħhom huma konnessi s-sondi għandhom jiġu ċċekkjati għal iżolament adegwat mill-grounds elettriċi fi frekwenzi tar-radju.
- Il-liġi federali tal-Istati Uniti tirrestrinġi dan l-apparat għall-bejgħ minn jew fuq ordni ta' tabib.
- Immaniġġjar ħażin tas-sondi jista 'jirriżulta fi ħsara lill-wajers interni u telf ta' iżolament elettriku jew qari mhux xieraq tat-temperatura.
Rimi tal-Iskart:
Jekk jogħġbok irreferi għal-liġijiet u r-regolamenti lokali tiegħek għal informazzjoni dwar kif tarmi s-sondi tat-temperatura.
Spjegazzjoni tas-Simbolu
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Manifattur |
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Numru tal-katalogu |
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Kodiċi tal-lott |
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Numru tas-serje |
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Bla lattiċe |
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Mhux sterilizzat |
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Ara l-istruzzjonijiet |
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Attenzjoni |
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Data tal-manifattura |
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Bin tar-roti mqabbad jindika trattament separat mill-iskart ġenerali fi tmiem il-ħajja. Direttiva dwar l-Iskart ta' Tagħmir Elettriku u Elettroniku (WEEE) |
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Protezzjoni kontra l-umdità |
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Il-liġi federali tal-Istati Uniti tirrestrinġi dan l-apparat għall-bejgħ minn jew fuq ordni ta' tabib. |
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Rappreżentant Awtorizzat Ewropew |
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Marka CE |
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Tagħmir tat-Tip BF |